The FE101: Introduction to Flat Earth is a free course that provides a comprehensive overview of flat earth concepts through structured modules, tests, and assignments. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Course Overview:

  1. Onboarding (Your First Day):
    • Introduces new students to the course structure and flat earth concepts.
    • Lessons include:
      • Read First: An introductory guide.
      • New Student Orientation: Helps students navigate the course.
      • What is Flat Earth Science?: Defines flat earth theories.
      • Digital Gleason Map (.PNG): A flat earth map for reference.
      • Firmament Trackers Map (.JPG): Illustrates the celestial dome.
  2. Unit 1: Flat Earth Science:
    • Covers foundational topics like:
      • Sun and Moon: Their behavior and movement in a flat earth model.
      • Latitude and Longitude: How these are conceptualized.
      • Seasons: Explains how seasons are theorized.
      • Measuring Earth: Techniques to validate a flat earth.
      • Star Trails: Patterns observed in the night sky.
      • Compasses and Magnetism: Functionality in a flat earth context.
      • Solar and Lunar Eclipses: Explains these phenomena.
    • 1st Test: Flat Earth Science:
      • Tests students’ understanding of Unit 1 topics.
      • Requires a passing grade of 80% or higher.
  3. Assignment 1: The Moon’s Rotation:
    • Focuses on the moon’s behavior. This assignment is submitted directly to the instructor for grading.
  4. Unit 2: Planets:
    • Explores planetary concepts within flat earth theory:
      • Local Solar System and Space: Reinterprets the solar system.
      • Wandering Stars: Theories about planetary movement.
      • Same Time, Different Dates (Sun’s Analemma): Observations related to the sun’s path.
    • 2nd Test: Planets:
      • Assesses knowledge of planetary concepts with an 80% passing requirement.
  5. Assignment 2: The Sun’s Orbit:
    • Focuses on analyzing the sun’s path and behavior. This is also instructor-graded.
  6. Unit 3: The Models:
    • Examines various flat earth models:
      • What is a Model?: Provides a conceptual overview.
      • Floating Disc and Infinite Plane: Explains these two flat earth paradigms.
      • Stereographic Projections: Visualizing the flat earth.
      • Firmament Trackers Flat Earth Model: Details on celestial tracking.
      • Walter Bislin Flat Earth Model: A specific alternative model.
      • Flat Earth Pro App: Tools for observation and validation.
      • Astronomical Models: Compares flat earth models with conventional astronomy.
    • 3rd Test: The Models:
      • Tests understanding of flat earth models with an 80% passing requirement.
  7. Assignment 3: Using the Models:
    • Requires students to apply their knowledge of models in a practical way. This assignment is also graded by the instructor.

Key Notes:

  • Tests: All tests require a minimum passing grade of 80% to ensure mastery of the material.
  • Assignments: The three assignments are submitted directly to the instructor for detailed feedback and grading.

This course is a thorough introduction to flat earth theories, combining theoretical lessons, practical tests, and interactive assignments to immerse students in the subject.

Enrollment in the Flat Earth University is always free

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